Vaginal rejuvenation

Posted by DCampbell aka Puteri | 8/31/2007 02:01:00 PM | | 3 comments »

I don't remember where I first read about this procedure. I was amused and then the question I started asking myself upon reading the popularity of the procedure among some women was, why bother? When I googled "vaginal rejuvenation" I can't believe the number of places offering the services!

Updated: 12:01 p.m. PT Aug 31, 2007

Cosmetic procedures billed as ”vaginal rejuvenation,” “designer vaginoplasty” or even “revirgination” are not medically necessary and are not guaranteed to be safe, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists cautioned on Friday.

The group, which educates and accredits doctors who treat women and deliver babies, said it is deceptive to give the impression that any of these procedures are accepted or routine.

In guidance published in the September issue of its journal, Obstetrics & Gynecology, the group, known as ACOG, said the procedures can cause complications such as infection, altered sensation, pain and scarring.

The procedures include changing the shape or size of the labia, “restoring” the hymen, and tightening the vagina.

Dr. Abbey Berenson, who helped write the guidelines, said some women may be fooled by deceptive marketing practices into thinking they need the surgery because they are somehow abnormal.

“Many women don’t realize that the appearance of external genitals varies significantly from woman to woman,” Berenson said in a statement.

Read more here.


  1. pat // 5:22 PM, August 31, 2007  

    aku kala meda iklan baka nyak ba newspaper kitai sarawak.Iya ngena injection...Nadai memudaratkan kah??Aku rasa tentu bisi side-effects iya ilak.

  2. DCampbell aka Puteri // 5:59 PM, August 31, 2007  

    Anang pecaya iga pasal tuchok .. enda nemu nama enda utai ba tuchok nya! Ni nemu ka ngasoh manah ko jako, ujung 2 makin cacat!

    Ko berita tu, org pegi surgery, ukai tuchok.

  3. pat // 6:09 PM, August 31, 2007  

    lama dah aku enda meda iklan baka nyak agik...dah kena banned kini?macam macam gik ba iklan nyak,ngasuh mulut plump and sexy meh(tuchok ga),parmanent armpit hair removal/face hair removal,lip tattoo,brow tattoo...diatu yg terhangat,eyelash curl kena ngelung eyelash,ulih tahan sampai 2 minggu...eyelash di engkah special gum and di steam(baka ngelung buk)..dah nyak,nyibuh gik ngena bulu mata palsu(hanya ulih ngadu ba saloon)...amat cantik aku meda tapi bedau bisi luit ka ngadu..hehe...ilak ilak meh...apa apa pun,aku nganti buk aku panjai lok,aku ka perm iya baka shakira!hahaha
