Blood sugar lowering drugs and obesity

Posted by DCampbell aka Puteri | 9/11/2008 07:18:00 PM | 1 comments »

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obese men and women may enhance a weight-loss program of lifestyle changes by adding a drug to lower blood sugar levels, researchers report.

Pramlintide, currently approved by the FDA for diabetes to take in combination with insulin to control their blood sugar levels. Previous research also linked pramlintide to weight loss, report Dr. Christian Weyer, of Amylin Pharmaceuticals in San Diego, California, and colleagues.

Full story here.

A friend of mine is working to lose some weight that she'd gained. She is not fat by any means but she thinks something like 10 - 15 pounds would be a good target to lose. I suggested she tried a diabetic's diet in addition to her working out at the gym to help with her weight loss program. I know it works because that diet works with me!

After reading the above article, I think she should add a food supplement like gymnema sylvester or barnaba or even cinnamon to her program. These food supplements are proven to have sugar lowering properties and I am confident that they will help a person with their weight reduction target,

I would rather recommend a natural alternative to drugs when it comes to something that can help in lowering blood sugar in a weight loss program!


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